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She dumped him by text message

It is such a different world from just a decade ago.  Getting something personal in the mail is a rare and many of us do just about everything by electronic means.  Why go shopping at the store, when we can hit a few buttons on our phone or computer and have just about anything delivered within the next few days.

Well the same can be said for when it is time to end it with someone you have been dating.  Last week, I was happy but surprised to see Johnny at a speed dating NYC  event.  I said “what are you doing here?  Last I heard you had met someone and were inseparable.”  He replied “That ended last week.  The worst part is that she didn’t even call me.  She ended it by text and wished me luck.  We were together for a little over 2 months.”

Ok, I am no saint.  I have ended something by email and have had women give me the “you’re a really nice guy.. but” via email as well.  However in both of these cases, it was with someone I had dated once or maybe twice.

So…………  At what point do you owe the person the courtesy of at least a phone call?  After xx number of dates?  After a certain time frame?  If you have been intimate?  Or is it ok to do everything by electronic means to eliminate the awkwardness.

What do you think?





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